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PI: Paul Cheng MD/PhD

Paul is a cardiologist/physician scientist at Stanford University, and also the co-director of the Stanford Translational Investigator Program (TIP) for the Stanford Internal Medicine . An engineer trained in developmental biology, Paul loves to apply developmental biology concepts and tools to understand human cardiovascular diseases. He is obsessed with leveraging single cell technologies to redefine our biological understanding of many vascular diseases. In his spare time, Paul spend time with his two boys, and enjoys fishing, golf, and all the other amazing outdoor activities available in the Bay Area. 

Post Doctoral Fellow

Wenduo Guo MD PhD

Wenduo joins us from King's college, London. Master of adventitia and fibrous cap!  Rising superstar in vascular biology!

Lab Manager

Sugandha Basu MS

Joining us from UCSF, Sugandha is the back bone of the lab, in charge of all the fun activities and day to day functioning of the lab. 



William Jackson, Bsc

Joining us from OHSU, Will employees CRISPR screens, single cell technology, and histology to understand cellular transitions in vascular diseases.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Meghana Iyer, BSc

Meghana joins us from Cleveland Clinic as a Sarnoff Fellow. Meghana is the master of bioinformatics and strives to leverage multi-omic data to understand the biological underpinning of sex differences in vascular diseases.


Alexa Berezowitz BSc

Alexa joins us from Yale. Alexa is the master of our in vivo atherosclerosis model, and leverages CRISPRi and epigenetic to hunt for new GWAS genes.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Ashley Zhu, BSc

Ashley joins us from Mt.Sinai, where she is finishing her medical school on her path to be a Cardiologist. In her spare time, Ashley designed and started the in vitro CRISPRi screening program in the Cheng lab!

Undergraduate Researcher

Om Patel

Om is a Stanford student who is spearheading our projects understanding how tobacco alters the biology at the vessel wall! 

Staff Researcher

Kevin Li

Avid baseball fan, Kevin joins us from UCSD, and is the master of understanding RNA splicing and degradation using scRNA data!